
Welcome to the Saline Township Website. Saline Township is a small, agricultural township located within Washtenaw County. The township was named after the salt springs that connected Battle Creek to Detroit, MI. With continued strong agricultural roots today, Saline Township continues to promote and preserve the environment through its vast woodlands, streams and wetlands. As the township grows, we invite you to visit our township and learn about the rich history that it holds.


Treasurer's Winter Office Hours

At the townhall 5731 Braun Rd. Saline, MI 48176

Tuesdays from 9 am to noon.

Treasurer's office will also be open:

Monday, December 23, 2024 from 9 am to noon

Friday, December 27, 2024 from 9 am to 3 pm

Tuesday, February 11, 2025 from 9 am to 5 pm

Friday, February 28, 2025 from 9 am to 5 pm


Winter taxes are payable December 1, 2024 and due by February 14, 2025 without penalty.

*Full winter tax payments can be made at Old National Bank (Saline Branch ONLY) at 200 N. Maple Rd. during normal business hours from Monday, December 2, 2024 to Friday, February 14, 2025*

**NEW 24-hour DROPBOX LOCATION for tax payments located at the townhall by the front door**

If you do not receive your tax bill or have questions please contact the treasurer, Jennifer Zink.

Call or text (734) 645-4168 or email treasurersalinetwp@gmail.com.

Battery Energy Storage Zoning Authority Comparison
Click here for more information

2025 Saline Township Clean Up: Date to be determined. Check back in the Spring.

Landowner's Resource List

Click here to see the Landowner's Resource List.

How to Assess, Manage, & Preserve Your Land

Click here to see full flyer.

Washtenaw County Millage Rates

The millage rate for “Washtenaw County” that appears on your tax bill is a combination of many smaller millage rates that were voted on by local residents. In an effort to help residents better understand their tax bill, this chart has been made to break down the “Washtenaw County” rate into the smaller, more specific millage rates that comprise it.

Click here to view the chart

Broad Band Information: Fiber Construction Explained - MEC - Midwest Energy & Communications

Status/Update - 11/2022 (Third Status/Update Announcement)
Washtenaw County Broad Band Task Force (BBTF)

Greetings Saline Township residents. Quite likely you have arrived here on the SalineTownship.org web site as a result of the half page insert in your November 2022 (Winter) Property Tax mailing, referencing the activities of the Washtenaw County Broadband Taskforce (BBTF).

Much has been accomplished since the last BBTF update (specifically the insert in the July 2021 Summer property tax mailing and the associated announcement at that time on the Salinetownship.org website).

The BBTF has now secured funding from (3) sources (federal, state and county) and entered into contracts with (5) service providers to provided high speed internet access to ALL underserved or unserved properties in Washtenaw County.

Washtenaw County has also hired a project manager, Chris Scharrer, who will manage those providers who are receiving Washtenaw County money. He will also track those providers receiving state and federal monies.

Chris has made available an interactive map by which all Washtenaw County residents (including Saline Township residents) can find out details like, who their internet service provider will be, and what the current “ estimated” availability date for service might be.

The interactive map can be accessed at the following Web site below. There is also a Facebook page, at the Web site below, where Chris will answer detailed questions.

Washtenaw Broadband Gap Filling Project (arcgis.com)

Washtenaw County Broadband Answers | Facebook

Specifically for Saline Township residents, the two funding sources are (1) the FCC’s (federal) Rural Development Opportunity Fund (RDOF), and (2) Washtenaw County’s American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) monies. The two internet service providers for Saline Township will be, primarily, (1) Midwest Energy and Communications (MEC), but also a small number of properties in Saline Township will be serviced by (2) Comcast.

Just to set expectations right away, I did a random check of addresses in the township (including mine) and most (likely all) of the properties serviced by MEC in Saline Township have a service availability time “estimate” of December 2025. Somewhat more encouraging, for those (fewer) township properties serviced by Comcast, their service availability time “estimate” is December 2024.

Not to be too discouraging, I did chat briefly with Chris Scharrer, the project manager, and he assured me that he will be pushing the internet service providers (like MEC and Comcast) very hard to expedite their implementation estimates. Chris is a very "boots on the ground” type of guy, and I believe him when he says "he will be pushing...", so I am hopeful that the December 2024 and December 2025 estimates are only the current first guesses, and that these dates will get better as the implementation schedules from the funded service providers evolve.

Finally, I have attached a "web link" (following) to a more detailed e-mail from Chris Scharrer (dated 10.6.22), introducing himself as project manager and announcing the availability of the interactive map and the Facebook page. Chris’s e-mail gives a bit more context into his view of his project management responsibilities, as well as his request for community patience as we go forward.

Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. If I am not able to answer them, I will forward your question to Chris. This is something you can also do directly, via Chris’s project email ( WashtenawBroadband@outlook.com) or via the Facebook “answers” link above.

Gray Pirkola
Saline Township representative on the Washtenaw County BBTF

Status/Update - Washtenaw County Broad Band Task Force (BBTF)

Greetings Saline Township residents, Gary Pirkola here. Quite likely you have arrived here on the SalineTownship.org web site as a result of the half page insert in your July 2021 (Summer) Property Tax mailing, referencing the activities of the Washtenaw County Broadband Taskforce (BBTF).

In actuality, this is the SECOND Status/Update on the township web site re the activities of the BBTF. If you have NOT ALREADY READ my initial announcement of the activities of the BBTF, posted on this web site on 4/5/21, I would strongly encourage you to PAUSE in your reading of this SECOND announcement now, and instead go and read the initial and rather lengthy FIRST announcement posting of 4/5/21.

In the FIRST announcement, you will be introduced to the mission of the BBTF, the activities of the BBTF as of 4/5/21, the successes of the BBTF (specifically the awarding of grant money to Washtenaw County from the FCC’s Rural Digital Opportunity Fund (RDOF), and finally the implications of the RDOF grant for a large percentage of the underserved and unserved residents of Saline Township.
Click here for more details

Recent activities of the Washtenaw County Broadband Task Force (BBTF)
Greetings Saline Township residents, Gary Pirkola here. I’m the (very recently appointed) Saline Township representative on the Washtenaw County BroadBand (High Speed Internet) Task Force (the BBTF). Following is an update on the recent activities of the BBTF that should be of interest to Saline Township residents.

Recently (February 2021) the BBTF has been informed that as a result of their grant application efforts, Washtenaw County has been awarded a sizable federal Rural Digital Opportunity Fund (RDOF) grant to “build out” a fiber optic infrastructure to serve a large segment of the underserved and unserved areas of Washtenaw county. This is good news for many Saline Township residents who currently do not High Speed internet access.
Click here for details

March Budget Meeting & Regular Meeting

Board of Review Meeting

Township Budget Hearing

Announcements Archive